Outstanding Capital Credits



What are Capital Credits?

Find out here!



ITC Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower our cooperative members and communities with accessible, high-quality services. We are committed to delivering reliable connectivity at affordable rates with exceptional customer care. Our cooperative values bridge the digital divide, foster innovation, and support member growth and well-being, with a customer-focused approach.


ITC Membership

A significant benefit of being a member of Interstate Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc. is that, as a member, you have a voice. You are represented by your district’s elected Board Members. Another advantage is that you earn capital credits on the services you subscribe to. The more ITC services you subscribe to the more capital credits you accrue. Investing in ITC is investing in yourself. The Board of Directors, Management, and Employees work daily to bring you the most reliable and up-to-date services. Your investment in your Coop makes all of that possible.

Your Cooperative and its members have weathered many changes over the years. There are many things that remain constant during any change:

  • The dedication of your Board of Directors, Managers, and Employees.
  • Continuing to look to the future to provide you, the members, with the latest and greatest technologies.
  • Maintaining four area offices to make doing business with ITC easy.
  • A strong commitment to the communities we serve.


Capital Credits

When you join ITC, you are a member. You have a voice. You also have a vote when it comes to changes made in the Coop or in the Directors that represent our communities. At ITC, you are the company, you make the difference, and the bottom line is you share in the profits.

What are capital credits?

Interstate Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc. (ITC) allocates patronage sourced margins to its members of the Cooperative. These allocations are known as capital credits. At the end of each fiscal year the amount of capital, if any, so furnished by each member is clearly reflected and credited in an appropriate record to the capital account of each member.

Who qualifies to receive capital credits?

Any person, association, corporation, firm, partnership or body politic or subdivision thereof will become a member of Interstate Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc., upon purchasing telecommunications services, information services, or cable television services from the Cooperative. See section 1 of Company Bylaws in the front section of the ITC Phone Book for additional terms and conditions.

When are capital credits distributed to members?

The distribution of capital credits is under the discretion of ITC’s Board of Directors. Members are notified in the company newsletter, the Bell Ringer.

See if your name is on the list of unclaimed capital credits from December 2022. Call ITC at 1.800.417.8667 with any questions.


ITC Districts

The ITC territory is broken into nine districts. See what director(s) represents each district below.

Map of all the districts in ITC's territory.


ITC Board of Directors

Joel Brandt.jpg

District 1

Castlewood, Clear Lake, Estelline, Goodwin

Joel Brandt

ITC Board Secretary

Todd Johnson.jpg

District 2

Astoria, Brandt, Gary, Toronto, White

Todd Johnson

Penny Krause.jpg

District 3

Hendricks, Lake Benton, Arco, Ivanhoe, Rural Canby, Tyler, Porter

Penny Krause

Susan Robbins.jpg

District 4

Brookings, Elkton

Susan Robbins

ITC Board Treasurer

Tom Main.jpg

District 5

Chester, Nunda, Rural East Madison, Sinai, Wentworth

Tom Main

Stephanie Sauder.jpg

District 6

Bryant, Hayti, Lake Norden, Willow Lake

Stephanie Sauder

Warren Brandlee.jpg

District 7


Warren Brandlee

G. Todd Garry.jpg

District 8

Bradley, Florence, Waubay, Webster

G. Todd Garry

ITC Board President

Connie Sawinsky.jpg

District 8

Bradley, Florence, Waubay, Webster

Connie Sawinsky

Mark DeFea.jpg

District 9

Labolt, Milbank, Stockholm, Strandburg, South Shore, Revillo

Mark DeFea

ITC Board Vice President

Tracy Bandemer.jpg

General Manager/CEO

Tracy Bandemer, CPA


ITC Affiliations:

SDN Communications Logo                          South Dakota Telecommunications Association (SDTA) logo

NTCA logo                            Cooperative Network Services (CNS) Logo

Minnesota Telecom Alliance (MTA) logo