October 30, 2024

Broadband Labels


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires providers, like ITC, to create and display an accurate broadband consumer label for each stand-alone broadband Internet access service they currently offer for purchase. Each label must be prominently displayed at the point of sale, publicly available, and easily accessible to consumers.

What you will find on the broadband label:

  • Service Plan Name: The package name and speed will be displayed at the top of the label.
  • Monthly Price: The base monthly price for stand-alone broadband service will be included along with itemized additional discretionary fees and taxes that will apply.
  • Contract Terms: If there is a contract, this will display the length of any contract term and applicable early termination fees.
  • Additional Charges: There is a list of recurring monthly fees, one-time fees at the time of purchase, and any charges for data usage exceeding the plan’s allowance.
  • Performance Information: The label lists typical upload and download speeds, typical latency, and a link to detailed network management practices.
  • Privacy Policy: Included on the label is a link to ITC’s privacy policy.
  • Glossary Link: The label will provide a link to the FCC’s glossary of terms used on the label.

Watch the video below to learn more about broadband labels. View ITC’s broadband labels and select your area.