August 1, 2024

Dangers of Spam


Many people contact ITC when they are unsure if an email is good or not. Right now, many emails seem to be asking you to reset your password, but they’re actually trying to trick you. Responding to these emails can cause significant problems and put your personal info at risk. Let’s discover what can happen if you fall for one of these scams.

Imagine checking your email and seeing a message that seems to be from ITC or another place you trust. It says your password needs to be changed for safety. But here’s the thing: ITC won’t ever send emails like this. If there’s a problem, we’ll lock your account to keep you safe.

But when you get one of these messages, it might make you worry. You might even click on the link or follow the instructions. The catch here is that the link is a trap set by cybercriminals. It’s not safe at all.

Don't Click the Link

When you click the link, you’ll be taken to a fake website that looks just like the real one. But it’s not real – it’s fake and made to steal your info. Without realizing it is fake, you type in your username and password, thinking you’re resetting your password. But you’re giving your information to bad people who can use it to get into your account.

The consequences of this trick can be devastating. While you are sipping your coffee, cybercriminals can use your password to get access to your other accounts, trick other people with fake emails from your account, or even spread harmful stuff to other people online.

Also, by sharing your login credentials, you have essentially handed criminals the keys to your digital kingdom. They can infiltrate other accounts linked to the same email address or leverage the information obtained to launch sophisticated social engineering attacks against you or your associates.

Stay Safe

So, how can you stay safe? First, be careful of emails asking you to reset your password or to do something immediately.

Instead of clicking on links provided in emails, use a trusted browser to find the company’s official website requesting the password change. Then, initiate the password reset process from there.

Raise awareness among family, friends, and colleagues about the dangers of phishing scams and encourage them to adopt proactive measures to safeguard their online accounts.

Be careful when viewing suspicious emails to protect yourself and others from falling victim to cybercriminal tactics. Remember, staying vigilant is our best defense against online threats. If you’re ever unsure about an email, feel free to contact ITC for help verifying its legitimacy. And if you need to change your password, CLICK HERE or the support button. There, you’ll find the genuine ITC password feature. Stay safe online!