ITC offers specialized video packages for Public Viewing Environments, Bars & Restaurants, and Multiple Dwelling Units. Please call 1.800.417.8667 for package and pricing options.
ICAN TV Commercials
Have you ever wondered if it would be possible to put your business on TV? ITC has some exciting news for you and your company! The Independent Cable Advertising Network (ICAN) is offering your business a wonderful opportunity to advertise on TV. ICAN is a community cable advertising company that works with SDN Communications out of Sioux Falls, SD. ITC is a member of SDN and a part of the telco group that delivers our TV. The best part of this advertising is ITC TV customers are watching many of the cable channels listed in the link below. These are the same channels your customers are watching. If you think you can't afford TV advertising, you need to check this out.
The Business Advantage Program offered through ICAN is available to business customers of ITC. You get 25% off the standard commercial rates. Commercials are 30 seconds dedicated to your business. ICAN also offers affordable production services for those who don't currently have a TV commercial.
To learn more, take a look at our ICAN brochure.